The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of 6 Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya,
Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda (with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania)
The creation of an EAC Common Market (approx. 177 million consumers) is one of the key integration milestones for the countries
of the EAC. The aim is to progressively transform into a ‘single market that allows for free movement of goods, persons, services,
labour and capital while guaranteeing rights to residence and establishment.’
The EAC, as implemented so far, permits the free movement of factors of production (i.e. labour and capital) between the EAC Partner States.
The reality, however, as reported by some of our Members, is that alongside the incomplete EAC Common Market agreements (particularly relating to
customs taxes on goods) the political tensions between the countries are still a hindrance to the movement of factors of production. This means
that most sectors are still to feel the full benefits of the EAC Common Market. (Case Study → BAG Innovation & Hollandia Fair Foods)
Rwanda as a gateway to EAC
For anyone coming from Europe and intending to start a business in East Africa, Rwanda’s political stability, security, infrastructure, and enabling institutions make it a near-ideal place to get started.
However, when compared to some of its neighbours (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, DRC), Rwanda has the disadvantage of a smaller population with less purchasing power.
This means that for most businesses exporting to neighbouring countries will be a critical component of success.
The EAC Customs Union, in facilitating the access to the EAC’s 165 million remaining consumers outside of Rwanda, holds huge potential for
Rwandan-based businesses. However, the EAC Customs Union is still incomplete and given the political climate between some of the Members
States still fails to deliver on its “Single Market” vision.
That being said, Rwanda still features significant advantages for entrepreneurs and investors looking for a test-bed for a new product or service destined for the African market.
After reaching product-market-fit, expansion into EAC countries is still feasible despite the various custom taxes still in place.
One method is to replicate production locally in the neighbouring counties.
Rwanda is a great starting point for brining your product to the East-African market. It acts as a hub from which you can scout surrounding opportunities and then deliver
services and goods to surrounding countries(Tobias Reiter – CEO Viebeg)
Fiscal Regime under the EAC Common Market
There has been a misconception among the public that under the Common Market, all goods imported into Rwanda or other member states are exempted from taxes.
This is not the case, however; as taxes on international trade will remain with the exception of import duty which remains at 0% on goods from the community that comply with the Rules of Origin Criteria. (RRA)
In other words, only goods that originate in the EAC Partner States (or that have undergone significant processing in an EAC Partner State) are exempt from import duty.
Certificate of Origin
In Rwanda the origin of a product must be certified with a Certificate of Origin which can be issued by any of the following RRA Stations:
Gikondo Customs department
Gatuna (Rwanda-Uganda border)
Rusumo (Rwanda-Tanzania border).
(The service will soon be introduced at the Rwanda-Burundi border.)
Trading with the EU
Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda are covered by the EU’s Everything But Arms initiative, under which all products from Least Developed
Countries — except arms and ammunitions — have preferential access to the EU market.
Export licences
For businesses interested in exporting goods you will need to acquire an export license. The type of product to be exported will determine the
type of export license you will need to apply for..
For businesses interested in importing goods you will need to acquire an import license. The type of product to be imported will determine the type of
import license you will need to apply for.
To find information on requirements, procedures, and costs of the various Import Licenses visit the Rwanda Trade Portal – Import Page
For goods originating outside of the EAC, the EAC Customs Act prescribes the so-called Common External Tariffs (CET).
Goods are generally subject to import duty of:
Rwanda is a great starting point for brining your product to the East-African market. It acts as a hub from which you can
scout surrounding opportunities and then deliver services and goods to surrounding countries
that may, for example, have more civil unrest, and greater barriers to entry business-wise, such as bureaucracy,
or even competition. #importExport
After Rwanda, which was the next East African market you went to?
The next market we went to was Kenya. In part, because my business partner is from there, but also because after Rwanda it likely is the next easiest place to do business in (in East Africa).
What kind of import/export taxes are you subject to?
There is a 7% import tax on medical products entering the country, regardless of where they are imported from the East African Community (EAC) and EU countries are treated the same for that.
Do you have any advice for companies interested in entering the East African markets?
My advice for companies looking to expand into EAC is don’t go too fast. There are a lot of things that could go wrong, politically, economically but also
in terms of the competition. I’d advise waiting at least two years before expanding so as to make sure to first have a solid base in Rwanda.
It also takes time to adjust your product or service offering to the adjacent market. The products that we are selling in Rwanda are not always the best
product-market fit for poorer countries like Burundi. Likewise, they are not always the best products for some richer countries like Kenya.
So you likely will need to do to adjustments to the products or software that you’re selling before entering the new market. Also, keep in mind that the competition is
often higher in other countries like Kenya. These are things that it is important to take into consideration before making the jump.
How important is it to try and find a business partner in those countries before expanding there?
I think it depends because you wouldn’t just trust anyone with your business. You have to be careful who you start a joint venture with because once
you get started it might be tricky to pull back.
In our case, when moving to Kenya, we did it because we’d known the person for many years, and we trusted them. Still,
our approach was very progressive to minimise the risk.
But, having a local business partner in some of those neighbouring countries does help a lot. They can really help you grow your company, help you
understand the market conditions, and the regulatory situation and overall reduce risk. If you really know the person well, I’d advise it.
In some countries, like Tanzania, it is actually a legal requirement to have a partner (unless you invest over 750,000 USD).
I’ve seen many companies fail because of that, and I’ve seen many companies succeed because of that.
What kind of hindrances has COVID caused to you in terms of being able to export to those countries?
Huge. Normally a lot of our revenue comes from the DRC and Burundi. But the borders were completely closed – and are still closed for Burundi.
So, we cannot really do trade with Burundi, Congo, and Tanzania.
We have also had a lot of difficulties importing products from Kenya and Uganda. So, the intra-African trade was really made more difficult
because of it. Trading between these countries became harder and also financially less attractive. So for the moment, we’re refocused on Rwanda.
Are there any particular tax-related regulations that someone should be aware of before starting to export into EAC?
#tax #importExport
I’m not sure as we don’t actually do any exporting.
There are different ways to get products to other countries, but mostly you would need to apply for an export license.
At the moment we have special arrangements with our customers in Bukavu and Goma, where they just collect the products at the border.
It’s 100% legal, and it means we don’t need an export license.
Also, it avoids us having to deal with the Congolese border as there can be a lot of corruption with these
things and we don’t want to engage in that.
It’s actually the clients that advised us to do that. It is something that is common there.
Most entrepreneurs who come here have the intention to go to East Africa, but East Africa is not open yet.
This means that you’re completely blocked in Rwanda. So, until it opens it’s going to be a very dysfunctional situation. But when it does open up it’s going to be the best situation ever. That’s what everyone is betting on (us included): that the politics are going to get better.
But there is no going around it:
If you want to make money in Rwanda, you need to go into Pharmaceuticals, or sell bricks, or sell something that’s “high volumes low margins”. But otherwise, the
customer base is too small and the general public’s purchasing power too little.
What keeps the East African Markets closed?
My second business is a game company that prints materials from Uganda. The first year we were here we were able to do all the printing and it went well.
But then relationships went South… imports and exports through Uganda just went down the drain and we haven’t been able to get a single thing into the country since then.
Rwandans don’t really dare to go into Burundi, even if they can they don’t dare to go into Burundi (which is also one of our potential markets).
Tanzania, I think we’re fine with it. But at the same time, there’s no collaboration, there are no incentives to go deal with Tanzania. Import and export taxes are way too high still.
If someone could push a button and enable this East African Community (EAC), it would be such a massive super-power. But there are still small petty arguments standing in the way.
Is that true for all industries?
I can assume that logistics and supply chain industries might find some benefits. So, if you have a logistics company you probably have some certificates because of the EAC.
Personally, the only way in which I’m currently benefitting from the EAC right now, is that I can enter Maasai Mara with a resident price…
I think it costs US$ 3,000 for a full container coming from Mombasa (1,468 km). Later on, when we have six (since we pack six trucks into a 40-ft container).
It’ll be a shared-road transport cost, boiling down to about US$ 500 per truck, which is okay. But it’s kind of funny how it works at the moment.
It seems like you get charged for the two-way trip: Mombasa – Kigali and return.
Hopefully, as Rwanda starts exporting more and more, this will drive the prices down. At the moment we’ve teamed up with
a new company on the scene called Seafast Africa Logistics. We started talking to them because they’re getting involved in the cold chain in Rwanda. This is also something that we’re
looking to start because it’s something that’s been identified as a strategic priority to reduce agricultural food waste.
So, while talking to them, we mentioned, that we have trucks that are going to be coming into the country and they said to count on them for the logistics.
After Rwanda, where are you planning on going next?After Rwanda, where are you planning on going next?
At the moment, we’re 14 engineers and two-and-a-half business people. Soon we’ll be raising a Series A to hire more people,
and this will allow us to look into the different options.
We’ve had a team of students from Warwick University (the university where I did my MBA) looking into options for us and recommending where we could go next.
They looked into the various markets and the different value chains, the local availability of transport, etc and they suggested countries
like Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. I’ve been looking into Zambia as well.
But the idea is to always have Rwanda as the hub for East Africa.
For instance, one of the things we do at OX is flat packing the vehicles, shipping them flat-packed into containers and then having them assembled on the continent.
So, I think the location of the assembly – the “micro-factory” – will remain here in Rwanda and then we’ll just be exporting the assembled
trucks to the different East African countries.
When do you think you’ll be ready to make the move to another country?
#importExport #collectingMarketData
Our objective for the moment is to put 150 trucks in Rwanda by next year. From there we want to double production to 320 in 2020, and then double each year from there.
We’re aware that demand in Rwanda may not absorb these trucks. If that’s the case, we’ll turn to other countries.
From our market research, we’re quite certain that there is a demand in those countries. But we’d still need to figure out what this demand will
actually look like, including what will be the typical drive-cycles and things like that.
We’ve already had some inbound queries, including a company in Kenya which is looking to buy 50 trucks to do their last-mile delivery.
If we can figure out a business model, where they buy the trucks and then they give us an operating contract this could be one way to
enter that foreign market. Alternatively, we’ll probably follow a similar strategy by first deploying some pilots to other countries.
Uganda is a very difficult market. Not because of Uganda itself but because of the relationship with Rwanda. There have been issues for many years…
We’re going to start building a second factory there now.
What makes export so difficult?
The political situation. They’ve closed the borders because of political tensions between the two countries.
Our clients over there are reluctant to work with Rwandese companies. So as a foreigner I manage because it’s
not obvious that I’m from Rwanda and they care less as well.
With Congo, it’s not a problem.
At the moment 65 to 70% of our turnover is still in Rwanda.
After how long did you start exporting?
#importExport #insight
After about 5 months, because the idea had been there since the beginning. We knew the Rwandan market was too small.